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Java Game Arcade

     This is thw Java arena.  In order to play these games, you need to have a Java-capable browser.  If you bought or downloaded your browser in the last year, it is proably Java compatible.  If not, then you need to download a better browser.

Java Games
Asternoids! Have you ever played the classic arcade game, Asteroids? Well, I've the next-best thing to it. I've got: Asternoids is a simple game, and it uses the keyboard. It has the instructions written right on it. Have fun!
Blocks This game, blocks, is just like Tetris. It's pretty simple. Just click to go to the page. It's cool.
Cosmic Invaders
Connect 4 Here's a game you have probably played: Connect 4. The rules are simple. Try it.
Mars 2200 Mars 2200 is a FANTASTIC 3d game.  It utilizes many features, so it takes a long time to load.  But, it is worth it.
Pong Yes, I finally have the classic, Pong! It's just like the original. Come on in and play it!
Rocks in Space Try a hand at my newest game. Rocks in Space is similar to Asternoids, but Rocks in space is a little bit more like the original, Asteroids. Play it!
Warzone Here's a cool game: Warzone. You are a tank, and your objective is to kill the other tanks. Simple game, but VERY fun. It doesn't load up on all computers, though. (Note: If you don't have a sound card, press 's' when the game is up. It will load faster).
Warzone 2 Here's a GREAT game: Warzone 2. You are a tank, and your objective is to kill the other tanks. This is the sequel to Warzone, and it has a lot of features that make it better.
Wermz This game is a game called wermz. Based on the classic game, Worms, this is a Java version. I has some glitches, but not always.



This page was last updated April 24, 1999


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