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This game, called Wermz, is a version of the classic arcade game, Worms. Don't get this confused with Worms2, a recent game in which you blow up other worms.



Beginning a new game: Once this game loads in,  Click on applet and hit F2 to begin a game! Also use F5 to stop. Hit F4 to toggle double buffering! (turning off double buffering will increase game speed on slower machines).
This is an on-line game and you don't have to download it to play it; if you still  see nothing  in the box above, make sure that you are viewing this page with a  Java enabled on your browser!
How to play: Collect all the numbers from 1-9 to advance to better levels. Do this without crashing into walls or eating yourself!! So far there are 7 levels in the game....  
Key Directions: Use the arrow keys on they keyboard to move about



This page was last updated April 24, 1999


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