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Warning! You do not have a CSS-combatable browser! This will make the experience here much more useless than it already is!

Cascading Style Sheets

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Warning! You do not have a CSS-combatable browser! This will make the experience here much more useless than it already is!

Cascading Style Sheets, or CSS, is a new feature in Internet Explorer 4.0 and Netscape 4.0.  It is basically an extension of HTML.  CSS allows you to control elements such as fonts, colors, styles, and many other things.  This site, for example, uses CSS on every page.  If you are using a 4.0 or better browser, you probably notices how the hyperlinks aren't underlined like they normally are.   However, when you move your mouse over them, they change color and are underlined.   EXAMPLE.  Cascading Style Sheets do have many other applications, though. 



This page was last updated April 24, 1999


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