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Java. Test

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     I have all of my JavaScipts up now, but they may not have any information of them. Just wait. But before you proceed, make sure you have a browser that supports JavaScript, and you have it turned on. I hope that you like these scripts!


Days Since Last update Store a name
Days Since Last update (Advanced) Personal Counter
JavaScript Test Ask for a name
Countdown to 2000


How to Copy Scripts

     On each of these pages, you will see an introduction to the script, then the program itself.  I will use the Days Since Last update as an example.  Here is what you will see:

This is a simplified version of the other Days Since last Update. All this one does is tell you how long it has been since it was last updated. No need to change it every time you update it. That's all.


The Program

The Script


Now, you see a little description of it at the top, a little further down is the program, and at the bottom is a text box with the script in it.   So, all that you need to do in order to copy the JavaScript onto your page is highlight the script, and place it on your page.



This page was last updated April 24, 1999


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