Midi Files
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If you can read this, your browser can't display the game because you don't seem to have Java support (or you may simply have Java disabled). I suggest you download a new one at Netscape or Microsoft.


Tank Controls
key action
I or [up] move forward
K or [down] move backward
L or [right] rotate clockwise
J or [left] rotate anti-clockwise
[space bar] fire
Turret Controls
key action
T rotate turret clockwise
E rotate turret anti-clockwise
R auto-center turret
Radar Controls
key action
W radar zoom in
Q radar zoom out
Game Controls
key action
P pause/unpause
Esc Options Menu
Camera Range
key action
F1 close range
F2 medium range
F3 long range
F4 ludicrous range
Camera Controls
key action
v toggle internal/external views
- increase camera height
+ decrease camera height
/ zoom camera in
* zoom camera out
h Circling helicopter view
Camera Angles
key angle
2 180 degrees
1 225 degrees
4 270 degrees
7 315 degrees
key angle
8 0 degrees
9 45 degrees
6 90 degrees
3 135 degrees



This page was last updated April 24, 1999


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