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Rocks in Space!

This game is loosely based on the Asteroids arcase game: Shoot everything that moves. Beware of the UFOs. They shoot back!
Large rocks will break up into several smaller rocks when shot. The smaller rocks are likely to move faster, so be ready to shoot them when they come screaming at you. Small rocks will disintegrate when shot; the debris is harmless.
You get 200 points for shooting UFOs. The number of points you get for shooting a rock depends on their size. The smaller the rock, the more points you get for shooting it.
You get an extra ship every 1000 points.
Key bindings
Key Function
A Turn left
S Turn right
[SPACE] Thrust
[ENTER] Fire
Creator: Andrew Scherpbier <[email protected]>


This page was last updated April 24, 1999


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