Midi Files
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Pies at Gates #1
Pies at Gates #2
Firecracker Boy
Fly Swatting
Skateboarding #2
Skateboarding #3

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ThingWorld Game Arcade

      This is a page that requires ThingWorld in order for you to use it.  Now, I know some of you may be wondering...

What the $%# is ThingWorld????

ThingWorld Games

In order to play these games, you need to download the ThingWorld plug-in.

  Bill's European Vacation (Throw pies at Bill Gates)
In this, the original ThingWorld game involving Bill Gates, you must click on the pie to throw it as he is walking by.  For the time that it takes to load, this game has few features. star.gif (708 bytes)half_star.gif (517 bytes) piebillanim-news.gif (4270 bytes)
Throw pies at Bill Gates #2 In this, a different version of the one above, it is a little bit better.  It doesn't take as long to load, and it is more realistic. star.gif (708 bytes)star.gif (708 bytes)half_star.gif (517 bytes)
Fire Cracker Boy One of ThingWorld's newest achievements.  This is Firecracker Boy.   He is a pyromaniac.  Like all pyromaniacs, he likes explosives.  Any questions?
In this, you get to choose on of three things for Firecracker Boy to light a fuse on.   Then, it explodes.  Simple, no? star.gif (708 bytes)star.gif (708 bytes)star.gif (708 bytes)
<!-- if we are here there is no plug-in support --> <A HREF="WEB_ADDRESS/index.html"> <img src="http://www.thingworld.com/events/firecrackerboy/Things/FirecrackerBoyWhite.gif" Alt="This is a still image of a Parable Thing"> </A>
Frogger This is a ThingWorld version of the original and it is good.  However, you are required to use the joystick on the game, instead of using the keyboard. star.gif (708 bytes)star.gif (708 bytes)
Kickoff Return Football This is the only contact sports game in my arsenal right now.  It is decent.   you drag on the football player, weave him in through the opponents and get a touchdown.  Easy enough?  Sure.  You do it.  star.gif (708 bytes)star.gif (708 bytes)star.gif (708 bytes)
Fly swatting Almost a fun game.  you move your mouse over the flies to kill them.  One catch:  YOU CAN'T KILL THE LAST ONE.  It automatically jumps as soon as your mouse is over it.  star.gif (708 bytes)
Jitter the Space Bug One of my newest games, this game has a similar interface.  you are Jitter, a hyperactive space bug.  Your job is to dodge missiles that are attacking the ship.star.gif (708 bytes)star.gif (708 bytes)
Skateboarding #1 This is the original skateboarding game made for ThingWorld.  It has the fewest features of the three games, but it is also the original.  since they all take the same time to download, this one gets two stars.  star.gif (708 bytes)star.gif (708 bytes)
Jones Soda Skate  (Skateboarding #2) This, as far as I know, is the second skateboard game.  this one is different, in that it has bottles instead of some cones, and it actually has an ending.  This one is the most fun of the three, in most people's opinions.  star.gif (708 bytes)star.gif (708 bytes)half_star.gif (517 bytes)
Demo 98 Skateboarding The newest addition to the ThingWorld skating games.  This is the same as the original, but has a new head.  Not worth it. star.gif (708 bytes)
Ski Game This is the only winter sport on ThingWorld.  You race down the hill in an attempt to avoid Christmas trees.  FUN!! Yeah, right!  star.gif (708 bytes)

ThingWorld is a plugin that is supposed to be as good as ShockWave.   Basically, the only use for it is these games.  :-)


This page was last updated April 24, 1999


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